Dernières actualités
What are the mechanisms of action of auriculotherapy, auricular acupuncture or auricular neuromodulation?
The recent contributions of functional MRI and physiology make it possible to lift a veil on the mechanism of action of these practices.
Auriculotherapy, auricular neuromodulation, auricular acupuncture: what are the differences?
All three terms refer to a similar practice, namely the stimulation of the auricle for therapeutic purposes. But conceptual and historical differences persist.
Vous êtes praticiens en auriculothérapie,
neuromodulation auriculaire,
acupuncture auriculaire
You are practitioner in
neuromodulation auriculaire
acupuncture auriculaire
neuromodulation auriculaire
auricular neuromodulation
acupuncture auriculaire
neuromodulation auriculaire